Royal Tunbridge Wells Together CIC is a not-for-profit organisation that runs the RTW Business Improvement District (BID). It is funded by, and represents businesses in RTW town centre.
The BID is a defined area of RTW town centre. Businesses within this footprint (above a minimum threshold) contribute an annual levy based on the rateable value of their premises.
RTW Together then manages these funds to carry out projects that support, promote and enhance businesses and the local town environment around them.
It was formed in 2019 after a yes vote from the business community and was recently re-elected to run for a second term of five years until at least 2024.

​The BID is here to support businesses according to their requirements. RTW Together aims to do this by following the business plan, which was created following an extensive consultation process with our members.
The three key areas of our activities can be accessed by clicking the links below and include the following:-
Supporting businesses through
free training, conferences, services​ and resources
grants, security support and cost saving opportunities
representing them and offering information and advice
Promoting businesses and the town through​
campaigns to encourage tourism and local spending​
free guides, maps and collaborating with Visit TW
running town events and providing grants to festivals, attractions and events
Enhancing the town and business environment through​
supplying Christmas lights, planting and street art
investing in public realm projects and maintenance
working on town safety, accessibility and sustainability

We want to hear from our BID Members! By getting in touch, you will get to know more about our projects and services and thereby maximise the benefits you can gain from your membership.
Call, email us or drop into our office and speak to us
Sign up for our monthly email newsletter
Join the RTW Together Whatsapp Community
Follow our Social Media channels
We are also keen to hear from you and your ideas for how we can best serve the local area. You can even join as a board director and lend your expertise and experiences more substantively!
If you're not a BID member but want your business to join up, please click the link below to find out more.